
私たちは、「OECD紛争地域および高リスク地域からの鉱物の責任あるサプライチェーンのためのデュー・ディリジェンス・ガイダンス」に従い、紛争地域及び高リスク地域における人権侵害、テロリストへの資金供与、マネーロンダリング、不正取引などのリスクを回避し、ESG 要因(環境及び持続可能性に係る責任 等)リスクを考慮して原料調達を行います。



  • ・鉱物の採掘、輸送、取引に関連した人権侵害
  • a.あらゆる形態の拷問、残虐、非人道的で品位を傷つける扱い
  • b.あらゆる形態の強制労働
  • c.最悪の形態の児童労働
  • d.広範な性的暴力など、その他の著しい人権侵害および虐待
  • e.戦争犯罪もしくはその他の深刻な国際的人道法の違反行為、人道に対する犯罪、 もしくは集団虐殺
  • ・非政府武装集団に対する直接的または間接的支援
  • ・違法行為を行う公的または民間の保安隊に対する直接的または間接的支援
  • ・贈収賄および鉱物原産地の詐称
  • ・資金洗浄
  • ・政府に対する税金、手数料、および採掘権料の未払い

②環境、健康、安全、労働および地域社会に関連する現地法規の重大な違反、および重大な悪影響をもたらす可能性が高い ESG リスクを考慮します。


白金、パラジウムについては LPPMのRPPG( Responsible Platinum and Palladium Guidance)に、金については RMI(Responsible Mineral Initiative)のRMAP( Responsible Minerals Assurance Process)に沿った管理体制を構築します。管理責任者を選任しサプライチェーン・デューデリジェンスを効果的に行うための適切な管理体制を整備します。














Responsible materials procurement policy

We follow the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.
Avoid risks such as human rights violations, terrorist financing, money laundering, illegal trade in conflict or high-risk areas, and source raw materials without embracing ESG(such as environmental and sustainability responsibility) risk factors.

1.General rules

①We do not tolerate the following acts and will never benefit, compliment, support or promote them.

  • ・Human rights violations related to mineral mining, transportation and trading
  • a.All forms of torture, cruelty, inhumane and degrading treatment
  • b.All forms of forced labor
  • c.The worst form of child labor
  • d.Other significant human rights abuses, including widespread sexual violence
  • e.War crimes or other serious violations of international humanitarian law, crimes against humanity, or genocide
  • ・Direct or indirect support for non-governmental armed groups
  • ・Direct or indirect support for public or private security forces committing illegal activities
  • ・Bribery and misrepresentation of mineral origin
  • ・Money laundering
  • ・Unpaid government taxes, fees, and mining rights fees

②We do not tolerate material violations of local laws and regulations related to the environment, health, safety, labor and communities, and ESG risks that are likely to have material adverse consequences.

2.Establishing a management system for responsible sourcing of materials

We will build a management system that complies with LPPM’s RPPG (Responsible Platinum and Palladium Guidance) for platinum and palladium, and RMAP (Responsible Minerals Assurance Process) of RMI (Responsible Mineral Initiative) for gold.
In order to effectively conduct supply chain due diligence, we will appoint a manager and establish an appropriate management system.

3.Identifying high-risk raw material procurement

We will identify high-risk areas in accordance with the OECD, LPPM and RMI guidance, and determine transactions that are suspected of being involved in armed forces, unfair labor practices, human rights violations, money laundering, ESG risks as high-risk procurement.

4.Assessment of raw materials and suppliers

If risk assessment of raw materials and suppliers reveals that they may be involved in human rights abuses, contributing to conflicts, money laundering, , or ESG risks mitigation is undertaken. If risk mitigation is not possible, transaction is immediately suspended.

5.Implementation of education and training

We will provide the necessary education and training to all employees involved in responsible supply chains on an ongoing basis.

6.Monitoring and record keeping of transactions

We will monitor incoming gold, platinum and palladium raw materials for consistency with information obtained from suppliers, and maintain records appropriately.

7.Third-party audits

In accordance with the guidance of RMI and LPPM, we will arrange for an independent third-party audit on the responsible supply chain management system and implementation status on a regular basis.

8.Whistleblowing and Grievance Mechanisms

We will set up a point of contact to receive reports and respond to whistleblowing and complaints. We will establish internal reporting system regulations to protect the confidentiality and personal information of consulters and whistleblowers.

Revised on April 1, 2023

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