Company Information

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  2. Company Information
Company Name Aida Chemical Industries Co., Ltd.
Established on January 15, 1963
Capital: JPY80,000,000. (Approx. USD800,000.)
Representative President Hidenori Aida
Number of Employees 377(As of April 1, 2019)
Business Content Assaying and refining of precious metals
Collecting and refining of photo sensitized silver
Processing of regular and special industrial wastes
Trading and processing of precious metals
Manufacturing and selling of Art Clay Silver and Gold
Processing and selling of precious metals powder
Any business related to the above

Head office: 6-36-2 Minamicho, Fuchu-city, Tokyo
Phone : 042-368-6311(main)
FAX : 042-368-6301
Factory: 6-15-13 Minamicho, Fuchu-city, Tokyo
Phone : 042-334-6311(main)
FAX : 042-334-6359

Branch Sapporo, Sendai, Koriyama, Niigata, Chiba, Saitama, Tokyo,
Kanagawa, Kofu, Shizuoka, Nagano, Nagoya, Osaka,
Hiroshima, Kagawa, Fukuoka, Kagoshima